Thursday, May 6, 2010

forceful pooja

okay so ive had this empty blog for over 6 months now.ppl have laughed. they've called me useless.some ppl have even gone to extent of callg me 'a fake'.but i dont care.cuz when i write my blog people will be left aghast.its a different thing tht the reason ive started writing this blog is becuz my friend pooja has forced me to. we are together away frm civilization on a trip and so ive been left with no choice but to write.for she like a teacher is actually sitting on my head ,reading a book and making me write this blog.i feel like im in tuitions.
why dont ppl understand that creativity takes its own sweet time. im sure shakespeare and oscar wilde werent forced.they produced masterpieces. anyway now tht i have begun writing my creatives juices are flowing.
i would like to write a little something today about my take on life.
i practise nichiren daishonin's buddhism. which teaches me the most imp formula of life:what is inside ones heart will be reflected by the universe. so if im having an off day i will end up gettg pretty much the same response from the world.and altho im aware of it,its a little difficult to change ur thoughts when ur off.which is where my practise comes into play. the moment i go back to thinking about how it has taught me to control my negativities my mood changes.
im not sayg tht ive mastered my mind but i know for a fact tht im on my way. so letssee how this journey unravels.......


  1. so impressed wit your creative juices...........finally.......our friend hr may want carrot but i definitely want glass of ur creative juice :) thx 4 BLOGGING.

  2. Im so happy to finally read a post on ur blog!!! im also happy to hear that u practice nichiren buddhism!! hoping to read more stuff frm you,,

  3. well done..
    i hope to see more posts on food and laziness.. the things i love the most.. then it'll become my bedtime read for sure..
    so get to it..
    entertain me!!
